Friday, December 2, 2011


This guest post from Lenny Mcknight

It never fails to amaze me how careless some people can be. Just yesterday I was driving out of my neighborhood and noticed three garage doorsleft open. With no cars in the driveway, I would assume no one was home. I would never dream of being so thoughtless. Even with my Home Security Nevada, I know I still need to take personal responsibility for my family and our belongings. It only takes mere minutes for someone to walk in your garage and walk out with something. Even during daylight you can’t be too careful. I would hate to have to explain to my kids that something of theirs had been stolen or even worse tell my husband that some of his tools were missing. Or even worse, to walk out the garage door and find someone in your garage. Plus, I know many people leave their door to the garage unlocked—if your garage door is open, someone could just walk in to your house! It’s so easy these days with electric garage door openers to just press a button as you drive away from your house. People just need to think about it.

The Good Old Days

The Author of this post is Cheryl Martinez

While playing in my attic last weekend, my grandson came across our old set of encyclopedias. He was fascinated by the many books in the set and curious what they were for and why I had them. I explained to him that they were what we used before we had high speed internet service to look up information. He was amazed to learn that it wasn’t that long ago that information was not so easily available. He was also shocked to learn how expensive those books were and that many homes did not own a set. I was disappointed but not surprised to learn that he has never been in a library. I guess he has never had a real need. Anything he has ever been curious about either he or his parents looked up on the internet rather than make a trip elsewhere to find the information. While I appreciate being able to find things online, I feel like the library is a great place for kids and the experience of checking out library books is invaluable so next weekend when he comes to visit we are going to take a trip to my local library so he can see how we did it in the “good old days!”