Monday, May 23, 2011

What's Better? Cast Iron Grill Grates VS Stainless Steel Grill Grates Showdown!

From the first barbecue, probably a whole animal slow-roasted in a fire pit, to the modern barbecue with all its paraphernalia of gas and electric grills, the taste of smoked meat and vegetables has migrated around the world from the Caribbean. The popularity of summer cookouts has elevated the practice to an art. If you are keen on barbecues you can start by looking at cast iron grill grates vs stainless steel grill grates.

Whether you choose to use a gas-fired grill or a traditional coal burner, it is the surface grill that is your most important consideration. A good grill should be tough, durable, it should heat well and the food should not stick to it. Let's look at these two types of grates, what do they offer in terms of superior cooking surface?

The material you choose has to tolerate the high temperature generated by your grill. If you use plain steel, for example, heat tolerance is poor and will eventually lead to a rough surface, which is not good for sliding burgers or steaks on and off the grill. Stainless steel will, on the other hand, stand up better to intense heat and should be good for quite a long time. In terms of durability when it comes to choosing between the two, the vote goes to cast iron. As it is heavier, cast iron is tougher and retains heat better than stainless steel.

It's a different matter with cleaning and maintenance; cast iron grills need a lot of care. Apart from using a metal bristle brush to scour away stuck-on grease and food, you need to thoroughly oil your cast iron grill. Not just after you use it, but from time to time, especially during winter as cast iron is very prone to rust. For hassle-free maintenance, the stainless steel grate possesses a distinct advantage.

Much depends on how you use your grill: how fussy you are when it comes to searing your meat, nothing comes close to cast iron for searing, but if you leave it outdoors all year-round, on the other hand, no matter how careful you are it is bound to rust. While you can get rid of the rust by sanding and re-oiling, you are the best judge of how much time and effort you are willing to put into maintenance. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide on what works best for you. Even people who use cast iron cookware sometimes choose stainless steel grates, especially the thick, flat, slatted grills that look a lot like cast iron grills and some claim, work as well.

Cast Iron Grill Grates VS Stainless Steel Grill Grates some people prefer stainless steel as it has the virtue of brushing clean. Also give due consideration to weight when deciding on buying them, because you will need to lift the grates to replenish your smoker box.

It's obviously a personal choice when it comes to picking out grill grates, because they both have their own advantages and disadvantages. I personally like stainless steel because they are easy to keep clean, light weight, and also retain heat very well.

The other thing I had noticed is that when I grill cast iron, the grates tend to hold more of the meats juices causing flair ups that sit and burn the grease and unintentionally burn my food. That's why I tend to steer closer to stainless steel grill grates.

If you are looking for a great grill that has stainless steel grates then check out the Weber Summit Series Grills. They all come with stainless grill grates and with a name like Weber you know they know grills!
You can read more about grill grates at

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Tips for Grilling a Perfect Steak in the Backyard

A perfect grilled steak starts long before the coals get hot. The most crucial first step could be completely out of your control, that is, if you don't make the food buying choices. The quality of beef is based on the marbling of fat. Prime is the best quality. Using prime cuts does not ensure success but this grade of beef will give you the best opportunity to grill that perfect steak. The next grades are choice and select. Choice beef is fine cut and could provide you a nice meal. This is the most widely served. Select should be left to stews and casserole where seasoning can be used to enhance the flavor.

Farm raised beef can provide the best taste and tenderness. Talk to a local processor or butcher to get recommendations of farms near you. Cattle that are grass fed and raised through traditional genetics, feed and processing will yield the best quality. Cattle farmed locally are traditionally raised with no antibiotics, hormones or steroids. Prior to packaging all meats are inspected for wholesomeness by a USDA certified processor so you have no worries on freshness. This is not to say a good cut of beef can't be found at a local supermarket. Many stores still have butchers on staff and sell choice and prime qualities. They may even purchase from a local cattleman. Do some research in your area. Once you find a good source you'll be taking the first step to grilling the perfect steak.

Take the chill off. A steak at room temperature will soak in your seasonings better and will cook faster and more evenly. Twenty minutes resting after removing the beef from the fridge will suffice. This will give you time to heat up the grill and choose a beverage to enjoy while grilling.
Season your steaks about ten minutes before you place them on the grill. This will give time for the flavor to soak into the meat and prevent it from coming off on to the grill. Now about the seasoning. You have taken time to research the best place to purchase your prime cut of beef. You may have even drove out to the country side to a local cattle farm for your prize dinner entree`. Do not over season a Prime cut of beef a little bit of good salt is all that it needs. Add a dash or two of Cajun spice to take it up a notch but be sure to let the flavor of the beef shine. Heavy seasoning and thick sauces should be left to the select group of beef.

Some prefer charcoal, some prefer propane. I think either are fine. Propane is much more controllable and will allow you the most consistent grill time after time. The important part is heat. You want to bring the temperatures up into the 425 degree range. This will get a nice sear and seal in the juices.

Take a step back! After placing the cut onto the grill don't play with it. This is probably the biggest mistakes a home cook can make. We all want to keep checking the food, flipping it and moving it around. Leave it alone. Determine the time needed based on the thickness and wellness you'd like to achieve. You could find a chart to give you a basis but this is really a learned ability that will improve the more steaks you grill. Flip it once and give it a quarter turn once on each side. And above all do not press it into the grill with your spatula. This removes the juices from the beef and degrades the flavor.

Don't under estimate the visual appeal. The quarter turn is used to make the cross hatched grill marks. Done correctly your finished grilled steak will have that magazine photo appeal. This is probably not the most important thing, however, the visual will add to the enjoyment before the first bite.
A perfectly prepared steak is within anyone's reach by following these simple tips. Start out with the best quality of beef from your local area, add to that some light side dishes (grilled asparagus is my favorite ) and a cold beverage of choice. Take time too prepare and grill your choice or prime cut and be sure to eat slow and savor the depth of flavor.

Since 1905, our family has farmed Burbick land in Mahoning County. Greg Burbick began raising cattle in 1996, with the goal of producing beef with consistent taste and tenderness. He achieves these results through traditional Genetics, Feed and Processing. The cattle are raised with no antibiotics, hormones or steroids.

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Avoid These 7 Mistakes When Cooking Out on the Grill

Grilling outside can be fun activity in the summer months. However, a few mistakes can ruin a great meal or your entire day. Mistakes on the grill can be detrimental to the quality of your meal or your safety. To get the most out your grill, here are some mistakes to avoid.

Food Preparation
Your food should be fully prepared before cooking. You meats should be thawed before throwing it on the grill. Cooking frozen meat will prevent it from cooking thoroughly. You should food should be seasoned and marinated before grilling for maximum taste.

Bacteria Prevention
One raw food leaves your plate, the cooked food should not be placed on the same plate. The remnants from the raw meat can carry bacteria and spread to you cooked meat. Always have separate plates for cooked food and raw food.

Keep the Juices Inside
While cooking your meat, you shouldn't poke too many holes in it. Poking holes will cause the juices to come out and dry out your meat. The juices helps your meat maintain its flavor, therefore you want to keep the juices inside. Juice drippings can also cause flare ups in gas grill that will also quickly dry out your meat and leave you with a messy grill.

Don't Open the Lid Too Often
While you want to check your meat, you don't want to open the lid too often. Constant opening and closing will cause your grill to lose temperature. The change in temperature can dry out your meat and will use more gas in the long run.

Stay Near Your Grill
Do not leave your grill unattended during use. Fires can spread quickly if you have a flare up and no one is around to control the situation. It is also advised that you keep a small fire extinguisher nearby just in case you get an uncontrollable fire.

Clean Your Grill
After a great dinner, the last thing any of us wants to do is clean the grill. If you want your grill to last a long time, regular cleaning is a must. The cleaning will prevent hard build up the will be nearly impossible to clean if you let it sit on a regular basis. The stuck on debris can cause flare ups during cooking.

Cool Your Grill
You grill should be cool before cleaning. Spraying oil on a hot surface can cause your grill to catch fire. Also, you want to make sure it's completely cool before doing any maintenance because an unsuspecting hot spot can cause serious burns.

Your BBQ grill can be the difference between success and disaster for your backyard BBQ. Click here to get read reviews of small gas grills. Visit Portable Gas Grills.

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What Kind of Barbecue Grill to Choose?

Anyone can enjoy outdoor cooking these days, thanks to different types of grills that have been manufactured by several companies for individual as well as commercial use. The main item of importance that needs discussing about barbecue grills is its effectiveness in terms of cooking. The most popular types are charcoal and gas grills. These two are closely related and many people still find it hard to figure out which one to choose.

The biggest advantage that is associated with a charcoal grill is the smoky taste that it contributes to your food. This makes it the best option for professional chefs. But they may find it to be a difficult challenge to prepare the perfect fire for grilling because it is hard to adjust fire in this type of grill. Some people choose to buy this type of grill because they are more economical and fit nicer inside the budget. They are made of a relatively simple design and do not contain any complicated mechanical parts. This makes them even more economical for the average person. But when you weigh its drawbacks then you may find that igniting the fire for heating up the grill is the most difficult task in the first place. It takes a long time for the grill to heat up and you cannot adjust the fire easily. And then after you have enjoyed eating the smoky flavored meal cooked on it, comes the difficult part of cleaning. You need to dispose of the coals after cooking and this can prove to be a tiring job.

The reason why people opt for electric and gas operated grills is obvious from the fact that they are very easy to use and simple to clean. They can be started instantly by simply pressing a button. The second beneficial fact about these grills is that you do not need to worry about adjusting the fire. There are several knobs provided with these grills to help you adjust heat easily according to your choice. So if you have an electric or gas unit you can adjust the heat, then leave the food item on the grill for cooking, relax and have a drink until the grill prepares the food according to your taste. Backyard grilling units also come in different shapes and sizes. Even if you live in a small apartment then you can get a smaller grill for your use.

If you find it hard to decide which is best for you, then there are other ways to help you choose which kind of grill will be the best choice for you. You can read online reviews by people who have had some experience using the different kinds of grill. You can take suggestions from friends or relatives as well. But whatever you decide in terms of your grill selection one thing is obvious; whether it is a charcoal grill, electric or gas grill, the barbecuing experience is something worth checking out.

Learn more about barbecue grills, please visit Connie Holloway's site: Char Broil infrared grill reviews and Char Broil k6b reviews

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How to Choose Your First BBQ Grill

Choosing your first BBQ can be a daunting task. There are so many models and different price ranges to choose. Once you purchase you grill, this is a decision that you will need to live with for a couple years. In order to make an informed decision you will need to know how you will use your grill and which type will fulfill your needs.

Before gas grills became popular, your likely choice would be a charcoal grill. Charcoal grills require charcoal (of course) and lighter fluid. It can sometimes be a challenge to heat the grilling surface evenly with a charcoal grill. They require cleaning and new charcoal with each use. They come in various sizes so if you like the charcoal taste but still want a portable grill this is an option.

Propane grills use propane to cook your food. They are easier to light than charcoal grills. 

Depending on the number of burners, you should be able to heat the cooking surface evenly with no problem. They also come in various sizes so you can opt for a portable model.

Natural gas grills require more room and likely a fixed location. These types of grills are hooked up to your home's gas line. If you want to cook meat fast and don't require a portable model, this is an option for you.

If flavor is your ultimate goal, then smoker grills are the right type for you. Smokers use wood to slowly cook your food which really brings out the flavor. They can be transported if this is important to you but if cooking time is a priority, then you might want to consider other models.
When you are shopping for a barbeque grill, there are three considerations we must consider: price, space, and flavor.

In most buying decisions, cost is an important factor. The price is going to be determined by they type of grill and size. Your cheapest option is going a charcoal grill. You can get these for around $20. The next cheapest option is a propane gas grill followed by smokers. Natural gas grills are going to cost the most, starting around $300.

Most people like portable grills because of their size, as they take up less space. Space considerations are going to depend on where you live. If you live in an apartment, portable charcoal and propane grills are your best bet. If you have a home with some space, then you can also consider natural gas and larger smokers.

We love our grills because of the flavor they bring out in food. While they all get the job done, they are not created equal. If flavor is of utmost importance, a smoker is the grill is for you as it brings out that smoked taste. The downside of a smoker is the cooking time. If you want quicker cooking times with that smoked taste, charcoal with be your next best bet.
Your BBQ grill can be the difference between success and disaster for your backyard BBQ. Click here to get read reviews of small gas grills. Visit Portable Gas Grills.

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